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Recently asked IELTS Essay: Outside Influence on Children

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You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

Although parents are responsible for raising a child, outside influence plays a key role in their development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

(Reported in April, 2023)


The role of external influence in a child’s development has long been a subject of debate, in spite of the primary responsibility resting on parents. I, however, completely agree with the given notion as peers, education, and media, shape a child’s values, behavior, and worldview.

Firstly, one of the major influences in a child’s development is peers. They are a key source of social learning. Children observe and imitate their peers, learning social skills, communication, and societal norms further shaping behavior positively or negatively, depending on the social circle. Additionally, peers provide opportunities for the development of empathy and emotional intelligence. Through interaction with peers, children learn to understand and navigate different perspectives, develop empathy, and build relationships – skills essential for successful social integration and personal growth. One who spends time with classmates who prioritizes kindness and inclusivity, for instance, is likely to adopt similar values, promoting a positive environment and individual growth.

Furthermore, educational institutions exert a significant influence on a child’s development. Elaborating on this, schools promote socialization and cultural understanding since they bring together children from diverse backgrounds, fostering social interactions and exposure to different cultures, beliefs, and perspectives. This exposure broadens one’s understanding of the world and encourages tolerance, respect, and inclusivity. For example, a toddler attending a school that values diversity and multiculturalism is more likely to develop a global perspective and respect for different cultures and backgrounds. Moreover, the digital age has broadened children’s exposure to media, influencing their attitudes, behaviors, and aspirations. Television, movies, and the internet shape their perceptions of gender roles, social values, and lifestyles, impacting their identity formation.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that extrinsic influence including peers, media platforms, and academic organizations play a vital role in shaping children’s values, behavior, and worldview apart from the parental force.

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