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Burlington English – GT Volume 1 Test 3 (9 Band Sample IELTS Writing Task 2 (C2 Level))

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Burlington English – GT Volume 1 Test 3

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

An increasing number of people want to buy clothes, shoes, and other items produced by famous international brands. Why is this? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


The increasing desire among consumers to purchase clothes, shoes, and other products from well-renowned establishments has witnessed a noticeable surge in recent years. This essay aims to explore all the driving forces behind the upsurge in shopping behavior, yet I believe it is a negative development as it promotes materialism and socioeconomic disparities while disrupting one’s finances.

Firstly, one of the notable reasons of this tendency is because these esteemed brands invest heavily in research and development, ensuring that their products meet high standards and offer a superior user experience. To brief, this commitment to excellence creates a sense of trust and reliability among consumers, motivating them to choose these brands over others. Individuals, for instance, opt for a pair of designer shoes owing to their reputation for comfort and long-lasting quality. Additionally, the extensive advertising campaigns, celebrity endorsements, and prevalent presence on social media create a sense of desirability and aspiration among customers

However, this increasing demand for items by famous distinguished brands fuel consumerism and materialistic attitudes. The emphasis on brand recognition and the need to possess items from renowned brands encourages individuals to prioritize material possessions, further resulting in environmental degradation and resource depletion due to proliferated production and waste generation. Furthermore, the price tags associated with these brands can prolong socioeconomic differences, making luxury and high-end products inaccessible to a significant portion of the population

In conclusion, the soaring desire to purchase apparels, footwears, and other items from multinational corporations can be attributed to the appealing quality and marketing influence; however, because it sabotages the environmental crisis and promotes materialism among individuals, I firmly confirm it to be an unfavorable tendency.

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