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Contact Us

You can reach out at us at +91 932 776 9623 or you can write to us at

Mode of Education

Online for every Non-Native English Speakers across the world

We provide one-on-one private and group coaching for online students.

The Boring Academy Online Classes in Bhavnagar CELPIP Classes in Bhavnagar  CELPIP Classes Online

Frequently asked questions

How much time do I need to learn this?

It totally depends on your exposure to the English Language and your adaptation to new habits and skills. If you are someone who is open to learning and is ready to adapt to better English, you’ll need less time than others.

Can I get a refund if I am not satisfied?

Yes, of course. If either of the parties (student or the tutor) is not satisfied with the coaching experience, we provide a 100% refund if we initiate it within 48 hours of joining or two full sessions.

Is offline or Online Coaching better?

It really doesn’t matter if you are learning online or offline, if you can connect well with your tutor, either of the modes should be suitable for you.
Note* We only provide online coaching.

How easy is it to get started?

Just fill out the form as per the course you wish to join and provide an active email ID and phone number, and one of our representatives will reach out to you in less than 24 hours on a working day and will explain the course details. Once you pay the fees, you’ll be assigned to your appropriate batch.

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