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Describe a special cake you received from someone- IELTS Speaking Cue Card

Describe a special cake you received from someone.

Say when this happened?
Where it happened?
Who gave you the cake?
And explain why it was special?

Sample Answer

With confectioners and expert home bakers offering the most delectable cakes for sale; thus, making people spoilt for their choice. However, one cake I consider very special is the one baked by my dear friend (name), when we were in the tenth standard.

(Friend) wanted to bake a cake for my birthday. I was quite amused by this quirky desire of hers. She knew nothing about baking, had never baked before, and did not even have an oven at her home.
Still, she would not settle for the idea of buying a cake and held on obstinately to the idea of baking one herself. She was quite an adventurer by nature and resolutely and fearlessly pursued opportunities to try new things. I tried to dissuade her.

I was quite sure that it would be a disaster and feared the prospect of having to eat something undercooked or burnt for my birthday. (Friend) stuck to her guns. She told me that she would bring the cake to school and we would cut it during recess.

The next day I went to school with some degree of excitement. I wondered if (friend) had gone ahead with her baking plans.

Lunch break came and (friend’s name) came rushing to my class with a cake box. She opened it and it was a flawless chocolate cake. All of my classmates gathered around it and sang the birthday song.

I cut the cake and distributed it to everyone. I took one bite and all my apprehensions melted away. It was soft and spongy and tasted perfect.

She told me that she had bought a cooker cake mix and followed all the instructions to the T. This pressure cooker chocolate cake remains a truly memorable and special one till date. It was not from a seasoned baker, but a novice with a desire to make a friend’s birthday memorable.

Part 3 (Follow-up Questions)

There are several global cuisines that are now available in our country and are quite popular. Chinese dishes, I believe, are the most common with dishes like chow-mein, chili chicken, and other delicacies are now practically available everywhere. Italian foods especially pizzas and Thai dishes have also made their way to the Indian markets.

There are a wide variety of options available in my country for dining out. From street food stores and roadside vendors to cafes, fast-food chains, and elite classy restaurants; there are places to suit every kind of budget. I feel the all-time favourite, however, is the street food which is easy on the pocket and delicious too. Fast food might not be that good for health, but people take the risk to quench their cravings.

Yes, I love cooking at home. I am very fond of trying new recipes, especially North Indian and Chinese. With restaurants and cafes closed for the most part of last year, I took cooking at home more seriously. I think, throughout this period of lockdown due to the Corona pandemic, many people turned to cooking as a hobby and just love sharing their favorite recipes and pictures of the dishes they cooked on Instagram. With so many food blogs, and YouTube cooking videos, it is easy and fun and of course extremely satisfying to whip up exotic dishes.

I think there are tremendous differences between Indian and Western foods. When we speak of Western food, it conjures up images of burgers, pizzas, and french fries. I believe western food mainly consists of processed foods and other ingredients. On the other hand, Indian food comprises fresh and homemade dishes, mostly vegetarian.

Well, I would say a healthy diet is one that provides a balance of all the necessary nutrients such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Personally, I don’t go in for strict limitations or rules but try to make sure I include plenty of different coloured vegetables and fruits in my diet, and minimize processed and refined foods. I also drink plenty of water to keep myself hydrated and keep away from sugary drinks.

I feel the trend of veganism is on the increase and this could be due to multiple reasons. For some, the reasons are ethical. They oppose animal exploitation and find factory farming cruel and inhumane whereas others choose a vegan diet for health reasons or because of their religious convictions.

I think food has evolved a lot from the past when people only ate traditional foods, made of locally available produce. Today people have wider choices from a range of different cuisines. Western foods such as pizzas, burgers and fries, Chinese noodles, and Italian pasta are all household names today. Takeaways, ready-to-eat meals, convenience foods, and microwave meals have become the new norm today, as they fit perfectly into people’s hectic and frenzied schedules.

I think in the future people will switch to healthier food options such as organic foods and nutrient-based foods rather than processed, fried, and calorie-rich ones. Superfoods such as avocado, kiwis, and green tea are now readily available in India. So I believe the trend towards healthy eating will pick up in the coming years. Initially, people might hesitate to adapt to the new change, but eventually, they’ll get used to it.


Confectioner: a maker of or dealer in sweet foods
Delectable: Delicious
Spoilt for choice: unable to choose since there are so many good choices
Quirky: strange
Settle for: agree to
Obstinately: stubbornly
Resolutely: with determination
Dissuade: discourage
Stuck to her guns: refuse to change your opinion
Trepidation: fear
Apprehensions: fears
To the T: Exactly
Delicacy: a choice of expensive food
Quench: Satisfy
Conjures: evokes, brings up
Comprises: includes, contains, consists of
Convictions: a firmly held belief or opinion
Norm: something that is usual, typical, standard, or pattern
Frenzied: wildly excited or uncontrolled

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