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Recently Asked IELTS Essay: FAST FOOD

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You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

Fast food is a part of life in many places. Some people think this has bad effects on lifestyle and diets. Do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


The widespread existence of fast food establishments across different locales has prompted deliberations regarding their influence on ways of life and eating patterns. I completely agree with the notion, asserting that the convenience and allure proffered by these meals often overshadow the adverse consequences.

Firstly, the ubiquity of fast food contributes to less active and sedentary lifestyles. To brief, the dependence of fast food on elevated quantities of salt, sugar, and detrimental fats has the potential to engender consumption patterns resembling addiction, resulting in detrimental effects on eating behaviors. Additionally, the rapid tempo of contemporary existence may induce individuals to hastily consume meals, cultivating unhealthy dietary practices and disregarding the significance of mindful consumption. Individuals hastily purchasing a burger en route to their workplace, for instance, might overlook the nutritional advantages of a well-rounded breakfast, thereby contributing to a less nourished and energetic beginning of the day.

Furthermore, regularly indulging in fast food has the potential to displace the consumption of nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, thereby contributing to insufficient nutritional intake. Such dietary disparities can elevate the susceptibility to chronic ailments such as diabetes and cardiovascular disorders. Moreover, the extensive promotion of these food products, particularly aimed at younger demographics, reinforces unfavorable eating patterns from an early stage. Consequently, this can give rise to a vicious cycle of reliance on unwholesome dietary selections that persists into adulthood, cultivating a generation receptible to health emergencies.

In conclusion, I firmly concur with the statement that the widespread presence of fast food unquestionably has a negative influence on ways of living and eating patterns, giving rise to a multitude of adverse outcomes, and the convergence of inactive routines and suboptimal dietary selections emphasizes the necessity for increased recognition of the effect of fast food on health.

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