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Cambridge Volume 4 – AC Test 2 (9 Band Sample IELTS Writing Task 2 (C2 Level))

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Cambridge Volume 4 - AC Test 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

Happiness is considered very important in life. Why is it difficult to define? What factors are important in achieving happiness?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


Happiness, a concept of subjective nature, bears profound importance in the realm of human existence. This essay aims to explore the challenges in defining happiness and key factors that contribute to its attainment like personal fulfillment and positive social connections.

Firstly, happiness is an inherently personal and subjective encounter, differing among individuals depending on their distinct values, aspirations, and life circumstances. To brief, what brings joy and contentment to an individual may differ from another’s perception of blissfulness. For example, while certain individuals may derive joy from material possessions, others place greater importance on emotional well-being and meaningful relationships. Additionally, defining joyfulness becomes intricate due to its dependence on variables like well-being, interpersonal connections, individual accomplishments, and overall contentment with life, making it elusive to pin down with a precise explanation.

However, personal fulfillment plays a crucial role in happiness. This entails aligning one’s life with personal values, striving towards meaningful objectives, and participating in fulfilling activities that generate a sense of purpose and satisfaction. Undoubtedly, experiencing a sense of accomplishment and deriving joy from endeavors can greatly amplify overall happiness. Moreover, cultivating meaningful connections with friends, family, and the community as social beings contributes to a sense of belonging, support, emotional well-being, and overall life fulfillment, fostering comfort and joy. Individuals who derive satisfaction from making a positive impact in their communities, for example, often experience a profound sense of happiness and contentment.

In conclusion, personal values and life circumstances shape the level of happiness experienced; nevertheless, individual accomplishments and establishing meaningful connections with loved ones can lead to the attainment of joy.

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