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Idioms On Student Life for IELTS Speaking Module

> To be a bookworm: Someone who reads a lot.
E.g. He’s always reading. He’s a real bookworm.

> To be a copycat: Someone who does or says exactly the same as someone else.
E.g. She always copies my work, she’s such a copycat.

> To learn the ropes: To learn how to do a job.
E.g. She’s new here and is still learning the ropes.

> To learn your lesson: To suffer a bad experience and know not to do it again
E.g. I got very drunk once and was really sick. I won’t do it again, I learned my lesson.

> To live and learn: Said when you hear or discover something which is surprising
E.g. I never knew that she was married. Oh well, you live and learn.

> To teach someone a lesson: To do something to someone, usually to punish them.
E.g. I hit him hard on the nose. That taught him a lesson.

> The University of Life: People who never went on to higher education often say this.
E.g. I studied at the University of Life.

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