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IELTS Listening Map Vocabulary – Set 2

  • left-hand side
  • right-hand side
  • turn right
  • to your right
  • pass through
  • on the other side
  • beyond
  • along
  • corner
  • go straight
  • beside


     Source: Cambridge English past paper

  • The sports shop is on the left-hand side as you enter the sports centre.
  • To the right-hand side of the entrance, there’s a café.
  • Pass through the entrance, turn right, and the café is immediately in front of you.
  • The leisure pool is on the other side of the sports centre, to the dance studios.
  • There is a large changing room just beyond the café.
  • Walk along the side of the sports hall and you’ll find the second dance studio in the far corner of the building.
  • Go straight along the corridor beside the sports hall and to your right, you’ll see two dance studios.

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    1. Thank you so much Mahmoud for pointing out this issue. We’ve rectified it from our end. Wishing you a better experience in the future.

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