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IELTS WT 2 Hybrid Essay: In some countries, more and more people are becoming interested in finding about the history of the house or building they live in. What are the reasons for this? How can people research this?


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
In some countries, more and more people are becoming interested in finding about the history of the house or building they live in. What are the reasons for this? How can people research this?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


Many individuals are inclined these days into investigating the background research of a particular building that they are a resident of, to quench their curiosity to know more about new information and unearth their ancestor’s belongings if any. This essay will outline the possible reasons for this behaviour and will also discuss certain methods with relevant exemplification.

To commence with, it is etched in our human nature to be curious about everything, and therefore, digging into the past of their own residents does aid it. To cite an instance, if the area that people reside in possesses any historical significance such as witnessing the World War or even a dinosaur’s prehistoric fossils, people tend to dig out the past. Additionally, if any paranormal activities are sighted in a house, the residents usually reach out to the church to try to practice exorcism, and to deal with these unusual events, the family is requested to dig into the surroundings and confirm if the place was a graveyard in the past. A lucid example would be that the government in our country grants access to all the blueprints of the residential area when the residents request for it.

Elaborating further, there are abundant methods to research and know more about these areas. One considerable way is to approach the archives of the public library and the government offices have records of the blueprints of all the buildings in every city. Another contemplating way is that the history of the house can be revealed with the help of the internet in case there were any news events attached to it that have caught the media’s attention. For example, in my country, reaching out to an expert historian or an architect is the one-stop solution to know more about these suspected residences.

To conclude, it is evident that humans have the tendency to try to have a better comprehension of their own accommodation; despite the availability of professional expertise in this field for better assistance, some people opt for other methodologies for their research.

340 words 2,055 characters


  • Intro: Paraphrasing of the question + Question Reference + Thesis
  • Body 1: Just focused on two reasons.
  • Body 2: Just focused on the ways one could research the past of their own residence.
  • Conclusion: Concluded the entire essay taking into consideration the former and latter paragraphs.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Rubrics.

  • TR: All criteria achieved.
  • CC: Structured the essay logically and organized the paragraphs as per the requisite, and used accurate discourse markers and connectors.
  • GRA: Showcased a variety of structures including complex sentences.
  • LR: Used a variety of topic-related and fancy lexical.

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