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IELTS WT 2- To what extent do you agree or disagree Essay- Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What other measures do you think might be effective?


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What other measures do you think might be effective?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


These days increasing the price of fuel has become a common trend in different nations to eradicate the problem of traffic congestion and environmental pollution. I completely agree with this notion and I will discuss it from the point of view of the environment and also how the government can take certain measures to overcome the same in the ensuing paragraph.

To commence with, as cities are becoming more urbanized, the villagers tend to migrate to cities for better job opportunities and as a result, it will lead to more vehicles on the road causing traffic and an increase in pollution. For instance, in my country, the government was not only able to solve the problem of traffic by introducing better metro trains across the city for the residents but also made the tickets affordable to attract them from the roads to use public transport. Hence, fewer private vehicles on the road and lesser congestion and pollution.

Moreover, the government should introduce more affordable Electric vehicles as an alternative to the fuel-consuming ones as it is a much more clean source of energy and also install electric-charging stations across the country to fulfill its charging needs. Apparently, it will result in less emission of carbon dioxide by vehicles consuming fuel. Apart from this, I think that the most effective and eco-friendly method to take charge of these problems is by deviating toward other sources of energy such as wind and solar energy which are available in abundance yet do not pollute our planet. Exemplifying further, the government should subsidize the purchase of electric motor vehicles and cycles to promote a cleaner environment owing to future generations.

In conclusion, making natural fuels expensive is a great way to solve the increasing problems of traffic. Nonetheless, making public transport cheaper and more accessible will ultimately reduce the traffic on the road, and introducing more clean and reliable alternatives to fuel should be the primary focus to lessen the carbon emission.

328 words 2,028 characters


  • Intro: Paraphrasing of the question + Question Reference + Thesis
  • Body 1: Agree with one main Idea.
  • Body 2: Agree with one main Idea and suggested the Measures.
  • Conclusion: Concluded the entire essay taking into consideration the former and latter paragraphs.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Rubrics.

  • TR: All criteria achieved.
  • CC: Structured the essay logically and organized the paragraphs as per the requisite, and used accurate discourse markers and connectors.
  • GRA: Compound, Complex, Gerund, Infinitives (All tenses used: Past, Present Future.)
  • LR: Used a variety of topic-related and fancy lexical.

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