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Burlington English – GT Volume 1 Test 2 (9 Band Sample IELTS Writing Task 2 (C2 Level))

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Burlington English – GT Volume 1 Test 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

In many countries, people are consuming more sugar-based drinks than before. Why is this happening, and what could be done to reduce sugary drink consumption?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


In many developed countries, a significant increase has been witnessed in the consumption of sugar-based beverages. This essay aims to explore the drivers behind this trend and how the predicament of the rise in the drinking of sugar-sweetened drinks could be curbed.

Firstly, one of the major drivers of this tendency is the aggressive marketing and advertising campaign, tremendously shaping consumer behavior. These companies employ persuasive tactics to aim at vulnerable populations, such as children and adolescents, through enticing packaging, celebrity endorsement, and bewitching slogans. Additionally, altered lifestyles and busy schedules lead to a greater reliance on convenient and quick options as a source of instant energy. These beverages are readily accessible in a variety of stores, including supermarkets, vending machines, fast-food chains, and convenience stores, making them a trouble-free choice for many individuals.

Nonetheless, to tackle this issue, awareness should be raised through education campaigns. Elaborating on this, these campaigns should direct diverse age groups and emphasize the importance of making healthier choices while highlighting the detrimental health implications of excessive sugar intake, including obesity, and diabetes. Furthermore, policies such as sugar taxes and stricter regulations on marketing to children can help discourage consumption. Metropolitan nations like Mexico and the United Kingdom, for example, have witnessed a decline in sugar drink consumption merely after bringing these policies to fruition.

In conclusion, the rise in sugar-added soft drinks can be attributed to pushing marketing tactics and changing lifestyles; however, with a multi-faceted approach of aggrandizing public awareness, implementing stringent regulations, and promoting healthier alternatives, the predicament can be alleviated.

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