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Cambridge Volume 17 – GT Test 1 (9 Band Sample IELTS Writing Task 2 (C2 Level))

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Cambridge Volume 17 -GT Test 1

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

In the future, people may no longer be able to pay for things in shops using cash. All payments may have to be made by card or using the phone. Do you think this will happen one day? Why do you think some people might not be happy to give up using cash?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


The usage of cards or mobile phone payments may eventually replace the practise of paying with cash in stores. The simplicity and security that electronic payments provide, together with technological improvements, are to blame for this. Though it could take some time for society as a whole to acclimatize to this new means of making payments, in my opinion, this transformation will ultimately take place.

There are a number of reasons why some people may not be content to stop using cash. First off, not everyone has access to or feels comfortable utilising computer gadgets. The physicality and familiarity of monetary transactions, for instance, may appeal to older citizens. Second, the usage of electronic payments may cause some consumers to worry about their privacy. Since cash transactions do not leave a digital trace, they are more challenging to track. And last, some individuals might prefer the security of cash over that of computerized payments.

Despite these worries, there are a lot of advantages to using electronic payments. First of all, since they do not involve the use of actual currency, which may be heavy and cumbersome to handle, they are more handy. Second, because it is more difficult for thieves to steal or forge electronic cash, electronic payments provide more security. Finally, electronic payments offer a more effective means to trace transactions, which may be helpful for both customers and businesses.

In conclusion, it is expected that in the future, electronic payments will gradually supplant cash transactions. The advantages of electronic payments, such as their ease, security, and efficiency, will ultimately make this transition favourable even though some individuals may not be happy about it.

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