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Cambridge Volume 17 – GT Test 3 (9 Band Sample IELTS Writing Task 2 (C2 Level))

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Cambridge Volume 17 -GT Test 3

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

It is better to buy just a few expensive clothes, rather than lots of cheaper clothes. Do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


In the modern world, what we wear greatly influences how our social identities are shaped and how we present ourselves to others. There are two ways to shop for clothing: either invest in a few high-end items, or buy a lot of cheaper clothing. I feel that investing in a few expensive pieces is preferable to purchasing a large quantity of inexpensive clothing.

To commence with, more costly clothing is often constructed of higher-quality fabrics, which means they will last longer and keep their form and colour better than less expensive clothing. This decreases the amount of trash produced by continually purchasing and discarding clothing, in addition to saving money over time. Additionally, costly clothing is sometimes created using more sophisticated and specialized procedures, which can result in a more distinctive and eye-catching appearance.

Furthermore, investing in lavish clothing may be a more environmentally friendly decision. You can lower your overall consumption and carbon footprint by making fewer, better-quality purchases. The use of eco-friendly materials and waste reduction, for instance, are the two ethical and sustainable practises that many high-end fashion companies are increasingly adopting into their manufacturing procedures. Moreover, costly clothing frequently consists of classic items that are always in fashion. You may create a wardrobe that will stay current and trendy for many years by making a few high-end clothing purchases.

In conclusion, investing in a few number of expensive garments is preferable since they offer higher sustainability, quality, and durability. In the long term, high-quality clothing is more cost-effective for it lasts longer and keeps its style.

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