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Cambridge Volume 6 – GT Test B (9 Band Sample IELTS Writing Task 2 (C2 Level))

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Cambridge Volume 6 - GT Test B

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

Many people believe that media coverage of celebrities is having a negative effect on children. To what extent do you agree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


The influence of media attention on celebrities, particularly its impact on children, has raised concerns. I completely support this perspective, as it cultivates unattainable standards and encourages materialistic principles.

Firstly, the emphasis on fame and wealth in celebrity culture can foster a sense of entitlement and undermine the importance of hard work and personal values. Consequently, it can hinder children’s motivation and perseverance, since they may come to believe that success is solely determined by external factors as opposed to individual effort. Additionally, continuous exposure to airbrushed images and extravagant lifestyles breeds unrealistic expectations, distorting young individuals’ perceptions of beauty and success, resulting in lowered self-esteem and body image issues. Young girls, for instance, who frequently view photoshopped images of celebrities are more likely to develop body dissatisfaction.

Furthermore, media coverage promotes materialistic values, thereby detrimentally shaping children’s behavior. The constant promotion of extravagant goods and opulent lifestyles by these individuals can foster an aspiration for material possessions that exceed one’s means, nurturing a culture of excessive consumerism and ultimately leading children to prioritize material wealth over more valuable endeavors like personal relationships or intellectual development. Moreover, as celebrities become notorious for their controversial actions or conduct, garnering significant media coverage, it fosters a tendency for children to emulate these negative behaviors, perceiving them as acceptable or even desirable.

In conclusion, I utterly concur that excessive celebrity exposure through the media can have a detrimental impact on the younger generation, promoting materialism and overlooking the importance of individual endeavors in attaining success. Also, the propagation of unrealistic aspirations and the emulation of specific behaviors could be a consequence of this phenomenon.

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