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Cambridge Volume 2 – GT Test B (9 Band Sample IELTS Writing Task 2 (C2 Level))

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Cambridge Volume 2 - GT Test B

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

Recently, abortion increases rapidly and becomes a controversial topic. Some people suppose that abortion should be legal while others are against it. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


Although certain individuals advocate for the legal recognition of abortion, prioritizing a woman’s autonomy in decision-making about her body, there are those who hold contrasting views. Both perspectives present valid arguments, yet I believe a nuanced approach is essential to address the complexity surrounding abortion.

On one hand, proponents of abortion being legal posit that women should have control over their bodies and reproductive choices. To brief, legalizing abortion ensures that women can make informed decisions about their pregnancies based on their individual circumstances. In cases of medical complications, for instance, or risks to the mother’s health, abortion may be necessary to safeguard her well-being.

On the other hand, opponents argue that life begins at conception, and terminating a fetus is equivalent to taking a human life. Elaborating on this, for those who view abortion as morally wrong, its legalization goes against their deeply held religious or philosophical beliefs. For example, religious and pro-life advocates argue that every life, regardless of its stage of development, should be protected.

In my opinion, the issue of abortion is a complex one, requiring sensitivity and consideration of various factors. Striking a balance between individual rights and ethical considerations is challenging but a comprehensive sex education, accessible contraceptive options, and providing support for expectant mothers can help reduce the need for abortion. Ultimately, empowering women with information and resources can lead to responsible decisions about their reproductive health.

In conclusion, despite the topic of abortion eliciting fervent debate, with compelling arguments on both sides, I firmly concur that it is essential to foster an open dialogue and work towards a society that respects individual choices while seeking common ground to promote the well-being of both women and potential lives.

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