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Cambridge Volume 10 ESOL – AC Test 3 (9 Band Sample IELTS Writing Task 2 (C2 Level))

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Cambridge Volume 10 ESOL - AC Test 3

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:

Some people believe that good leaders are born. Whereas others hold the opinion that the leadership qualities could be obtained during life. Who represents the good leader qualities indeed?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


There has been an ongoing debate for a long time regarding whether leadership qualities are inherently instilled in individuals or whether those attributes can be developed and acquired through life experiences. This essay aims to shed light on the fact that although certain innate characteristics may contribute to leadership potential, refinement and honing of those qualities throughout one’s life is of paramount importance. 

Firstly, leadership capabilities could be developed by learning from a range of perspectives. To brief, Engaging with diverse individuals and cultures broadens perspectives, fosters empathy, and enhances the ability to understand and relate to others. This exposure nurtures cultural intelligence and empowers leaders to make inclusive and informed decisions, cultivating effective leadership. Angela Merkel, the former Chancellor of Germany, exemplified inclusive leadership, drawing from her upbringing in East Germany to emphasize unity and understanding in her policies.

Furthermore, excellent communication skills play a crucial role in leadership. Strong communication skills are vital for effective leaders to articulate aspirations, motivate others, and foster collaboration. Needless to say, these skills are honed through practice and learning, enabling leaders to convey complex ideas, engage diverse stakeholders, and facilitate productive discussions. For example, Winston Churchill – renowned for his leadership during World War II – developed his oratory skills through years of practice and public speaking engagements, effectively rallying the Britishers during trying times.

In conclusion, in spite of the fact that these qualities are congenital, the refinement and improvement of leadership attributes throughout one’s lifetime are essential for effective leadership to allow individuals to make wise decisions by engaging with diverse viewpoints and cultures.

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