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Vocabulary for IELTS Writing Task 1 Report – Graphs

IELTS Academic Report Writing Vocabulary for Graphs

  • Climb (klahym) Verb – To ascend; go up. Syn. – Go up, Increase. Ant. – Go down, Decrease, Decline. Other forms – Climb (noun)
  • Consistent (kuhn-sis-tuhnt) Adjective – The same throughout. Syn. – Steady, Unchanging. Ant. – Inconsistent, Fluctuating. Other forms – consistently (adverb), consistency (noun).
  • Constant (kon-stuhnt) Adjective – Unvarying in nature. Syn. – Steady, Unchanging. Ant. – Inconsistent, Fluctuating. Other forms – Constantly (adverb), Constancy (noun).
  • Decline (dih-klahyn) Verb – To grow smaller. Syn. – Diminish, Fall, Lessen. Ant. – Go up, Increase. Other forms – Decline (noun).
  • Dip (dip) Verb – Go down momentarily. Syn. – Diminish, Fall, Lessen. Ant. – Go up, Increase. Other forms – dip (noun).
  • Downward (doun-werd) Adjective – Spatially or metaphorically from a higher to a lower level or position. Ant. – Upward
  • Dramatic (druh-mat-ik) Adjective – Highly striking. Syn. – Spectacular, Striking, Impressive. Ant.- Unremarkable. Other forms – Dramatically (adverb).
  • Fluctuate (fluhk-choo-eyt) Verb – Be unstable. Syn.- Change, State, Turn. Ant.- Remain stable. Other forms – Fluctuation (noun), Fluctuating (adjective).
  • Gradual (graj-oo-uhl) Adjective – Proceeding in small stages. Syn. – Slow. Ant. – Sudden, Dramatic, Sharp. Other forms – Gradually (adverb).
  • Halve (hav) Verb – Divide by two. Ant. – Doubled. Other forms – Halved (adjective), Halving (noun).
  • Increase (in-krees) Verb – To make greater, as in number, size, strength, or quality; augment; add to. Syn. – Climb, Go up. An.t – Decrease, Diminish, Fall, Lessen. Other forms – Increase (noun)
  • Leap (leep) Verb – To increase suddenly. Syn. – Jump. Ant. – Plunge. Other forms – Leap (noun)
  • Marginal (mahr-juh-nl) Adjective – Just barely adequate or within a lower limit. Syn. – Minimal, Borderline. Other forms – Marginally (adverb).
  • Modest (mod-ist) Adjective – Limited or moderate in amount, extent. Syn. – Small, Moderate. Other forms – Modestly (adverb), Modestly (noun).
  • Plummet (pluhm-it) Verb – Drop Sharply. Syn. – Plunge, Plummet, Slump. Ant. – Rocket.
  • Plunge (pluhnj) Verb – Drop steeply, Syn. – Plummet. Ant. – Rocket. Other forms – Plunge (noun).
  • Rapid (rap-id) Adjective – Occurring within a short time. Syn. – Quick, Fast. Ant. – Slow, Gradual. Other forms – Rapidly (adverb).
  • Rocket (rok-it) Verb – To shoot up abruptly. Syn. – Skyrocket. Ant. – Plummet, Plunge.
  • Sharp (Shahrp) Adjective – Very sudden and in great amount of degree. Syn. – Steep,Rapid. Ant. – Slow, Gradual. Other forms – Sharply (adverb).
  • Shoot up (shoot-uhp) Verb – Rise dramatically. Syn. – Rocket. Ant. – Plummet, Plunge.
  • Significant (sig-nig-i-kuhnt) Adjective – Relatively large amount or quantity. Syn. – Large, Remarkable. Ant. – Slight, Marginal. Other forms – Significantly (adverb).
  • Slump (sluhmp) Verb – To drop or fall heavily. Syn. – Plunge, Plummet. Ant. – Rocket, Shoot up. Other forms – Slump (noun).
  • Soar (sawr) Verb – Rise rapidly. Syn. – Soar up, Soar upwards, Surge, Zoom. Ant. – Plummet, Plunge.
  • Spiral (spahy-ruhl) Verb – To advance or increase steadily. Syn. – Rise, Soar up. Ant. – Plummet, Plunge.
  • Steady (sted-ee) Adjective – Not liable to fluctuate or especially to fall. Syn. – Firm, Stable. Ant. – Fluctuating. Other forms – Steadily (adverb).
  • Steep (steep) Adjective – Having a sharp inclination. Syn. – Sharp, Rapid. Ant. – Slow, Gradual.
  • Substantial (suhb-stan-shuhl) Adjective – Of ample or considerable amount, quantity, size. Syn. – Significant, Remarkable. Ant. – Slight, Marginal. Other forms – Substantially (adverb).
  • Surge (surj) Verb – Rise or move forward. Syn. – Shoot up, Rocket. Ant. – Plummet, Plunge. Other forms – Surge (noun).
  • Upward (uhp-werd) Adjective – Directed at or situated in a higher place or position. Ant. – Downward.
  • Variation (vair-ee-ey-shuhn) Noun – An instance of change. Syn. – Fluctuation. Other forms – Vary (verb).

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