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Vocabulary for IELTS Writing Task 1 Report – Maps

IELTS Academic Report Writing Vocabulary for Maps

  • Adjacent (uh-jey-suhnt) Preposition – Nearest in space or position; immediately adjoining without intervening space. Syn. – Close, Near, Nigh.
  • Border (bawr-der) Noun – The part or edge of a surface or area that forms its outer boundary. Syn. – Borderline, Boundary line, Delimitation, Mete. Other forms – Border (verb), Bordered (adjective).
  • Boundary (boun-duh-ree) Noun – A line determining the limits of an area. Syn. – Bound, Edge.
  • Construct (kuhn-struhkt) Verb – Make by combining materials and parts. Syn. – Build, Make. Other forms – Construction (noun).
  • Contour (kon-toor) Noun – A line drawn on a map connecting points of equal height.
  • Elevation (el-uh-vey-shuhn) Noun – A raised or elevated geological formation. Ant. – Depression.
  • Encompass (en-kuhm-puhs) Verb – To form a circle about. Syn. – Encircle, Surround.
  • Expand (ik-spand) Verb – Make bigger or wider in size, volume, or quantity. Other forms – Expansion (noun).
  • Extend (ik-stend) Verb – Stretch out in length, duration, or in various or all directions. Syn. – Broaden, Widen. Other forms – Extension (noun).
  • Intersection (in-ter-sek-shuhn) Noun – A place where two or more roads meet, especially when at least one is a major highway. Syn. – Carrefour, Crossing, Crossroad, Crossway. Other forms – Intersect (verb).
  • Located (loh-key-ted) Adjective – Situated in a particular spot or position. Syn. – Placed, Set, Situated. Other forms – Location (noun), Locate (verb).
  • Modify (mod-uh-fahy) Verb – Cause to change or make different. Syn. – Alter, Change. Other forms – Modification (adjective).
  • Overlapping (oh-ver-la-ping) Adjective – Covering with a design in which one element covers a part of another. Other forms – Overlap (verb).
  • Relocate (ree-loh-keyt) Verb – Move or establish in a new location. Syn. – Displace, Move. Other forms – Relocation (noun).
  • Replace (ri-pleys) Verb – To provide a substitute or equivalent in the place of. Other forms – Replacement (noun).
  • Situated (sich-oo-ey-tid) Verb – Established in a desired position or place. Syn. – Located, Placed, Set. Other forms – Situate (verb).
  • Territory (ter-i-tawr-ee) Noun – Any tract of land; region or district. Syn. – Area. Other forms – Territorial (adjective).
  • Zone (zohn) Noun – An area or region distinguished from adjacent parts by a distinctive feature or characteristic. Other forms – Zonal (adjective).

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