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Vocabulary for IELTS Writing Task 1 Report – Process and Flowcharts

IELTS Academic Report Writing Vocabulary for Process and Flowcharts

  • Ensue (en-soo) Verb – To follow in order; come afterward, especially in immediate succession. Syn. – Result. Other forms – Ensuing (adjective).
  • Experience (ik-speer-ee-uhns) Verb – Go through. Syn. – Undergo. Other forms – Experience (oun).
  • Follow (fol-oh) Verb – To come after in sequence, order of time. Syn. – Come after, Ensue, Result. Other forms – Following (adjective), Follower (noun).
  • Include (in-klood) Verb – Have as a part; be made up out of. Syn. – Count, Add. Ant. – Except, Exclude, Leave off, Omit, Take out. Other forms – Included (adjective), Inclusion (noun).
  • Incorporate (in-kawr-puh-reyt) Verb – Make into a whole or make part of a whole. Syn. – Integrate. Ant. – Disintegrate.
  • Introduce (in-truh-doos) Verb – Put into a certain place. Syn. – Enclose, Inclose, Insert, Put in, Stick in. Other forms – Introduction (noun), Introductory (adjective).
  • Precede (pri-seed) Verb – To go before, as in place, order, ranl, importance, or time. Syn. – Come before. Ant. – Come after, Follow.
  • Prior (prahy-er) Preposition – Earlier in time. Syn. – Anterior, Antecedent.
  • Proceed (pruh-seed) Verb – To carry on or continue any action or process. Syn. – Continue. Ant. – Discontinue. Other forms – Procedure (noun).
  • Subsequent (suhb-si-kwuhnt) Adjective – Following in time or order. Syn. – Succeeding. Ant. – Anterior. Other forms – Subsequent (adverb).
  • Succeed (suhk-seed) Verb – To come next after in an order, or series, or in the course of events. Syn. – Follow, Come after. Ant. – Come before, Precede. Other forms – Succeeding (adjective), Success (noun).
  • Undergo (uhn-der-goh) Verb – To be subjected to; experience; pass through. Syn. – Experience, Pass-through.

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